Sunday, 17 November 2013

How To Connect Tata Phone Plus(Huawei 156) In Ubuntu 12.04

How to install Tata Photon plus (156) in Ubuntu 12.04. Here is the step-by-step procedure for beginers:

  1. Once you boot your Ubuntu, right click the networking icon from Desktop on top of the screen
  2. Tick on Enable Networking
  3. Select Edit Connection
  4. Choose Mobile Broadband
  5. In “New Mobile Broadband Connection” window screen click on Continue
  6. Choose your country as India and then click Continue
  7. Select your service provider as “Tata Indicom (Photon+)” option and click Continue
  8. Next click “Apply“ button
  9.  In the “Edit Tata Indicom(Photon +) Connection1” window select Mobile Broadband and enter the following without the double comma”
Number  as “#777”
Username as “internet”
Password as “internet”
  1. Click on “Mozila Firefox” ferom desktop
  2. Select Edit/Preferences/Advanced
  3. In the “Connection settings” window select “No Proxy” option

This is not the end for your configuration. Explained below requires a bit experience in Linux.
13. Ensure that your plug in the Tata phone Plus data card in the USB of your PC/Laptop.

14.  Make sure that you have installed the following packages
* usb-modeswitch-data
* usb-modeswitch

15. To install them : Open the terminal Go to the directory where you've downloaded the packages and install the packages in the following order :
# sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_*_amd64.deb
# sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch-data_*_all.deb

You should be able to connect the data card now.
Otherwise reboot the system and enable networking and Mobile Broadband options as mentioned above.
Feel free to write me for any queries.